Pooja Varshini Raja Performs The Classical – Bharathanatyam in December Season of Chennai.
Kumari. Pooja Varshini Raja – NRI in Kuwait studying class –XI in Faips performed the classical dance “Bharathanatiyam” in 100 years old Sri Thiyagabrahma Ganasabha’s “ Bharatham Festival 2015” At Vani Mahal – (Mini hall) – T.Nagar (Near Pothys Boutique) . Nattuvaangam and choreography by Guru R. Hemamalini M.A.Bed of Abhinayavarshini Art Centre- Pondicherry and Vocal by Sriratna V.Ghanaprakasam M.A ,M.Phil.. , Mridhangam by Sriratna M.Prasanna M.A ,M.Phil , Violin by Sriratna V.Thanigachalam Ma, M.Phil..
She performed five varieties for nearly 2 hours which was well appreciated by the audience as well as the leading dance icons like Sreekala Bharath ..Music Director Mrjamesvasanthan , Mrs Ananthi Natarajan , Mr Nc.Mohandoss , Tv fame Gokulnath . At the end, G.Raja and Mahalakshmi Raja thanked the audience.