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A new airport project in Kuwait will spur economic growth


The new Kuwait International Airport (T2) is set to revolutionize the country's aviation sector. This significant investment in airport infrastructure is expected to boost economic growth and enhance the passenger experience in Kuwait.

Dr. Noura Al-Mashaan, Minister of Public Works and State Minister for Municipal Affairs, has voiced strong support for the civil aviation sector, emphasizing its role as a key driver of economic progress. In a recent meeting with key government agencies involved in the T2 project, Dr. Al-Mashaan reaffirmed the government’s commitment to ensuring the project's success.

The meeting, which included the Director-General of Civil Aviation, Sheikh Hamad Al-Mubarak, and representatives from various government departments, focused on addressing and overcoming challenges to expedite the project’s progress, as reported by Al-Anba newspaper.

Dr. Al-Mashaan highlighted the importance of interagency collaboration to meet the project’s deadlines. "Effective cooperation is essential to ensure the project is completed on schedule," she stated.

Potential challenges, such as traffic congestion and cybersecurity threats, were also discussed. The minister stressed the need for a unified approach to tackle these issues effectively.

Key areas of focus for streamlining the project include:

  • Coordinating with the Civil Aviation Authority to relocate security barriers.
  • Securing land for waste disposal.
  • Expediting subcontractor approvals for aircraft fueling systems in collaboration with KAFCO.

Additionally, close cooperation with the Kuwait Oil Company is essential to resolve conflicts and determine the best route for the new airport road.

Cybersecurity is a top priority for the T2 project. Dr. Al-Mashaan revealed that workshops are being held in collaboration with the National Cybersecurity Center to meticulously review the security specifications in the project contract. "Safeguarding sensitive information is paramount," she emphasized, reflecting the government’s commitment to a secure digital environment.


Flight KU125 of Kuwait Airways Returns Safely Following Technical Problem


Kuwait Airways has announced that flight KU125, which was en route to Sarajevo, had to return to the airport due to a technical malfunction.

Safe Landing and Passenger Safety

In an official statement, the airline assured that the aircraft landed safely without any damage, confirming that all passengers are unharmed. The flight crew implemented all necessary safety measures and is now coordinating with passengers to complete their travel to their final destination.

Ongoing Investigation

The company stated, “Investigations are currently underway to determine the causes of this technical failure, in accordance with approved procedures. We thank everyone for their understanding and cooperation in maintaining the safety of passengers.”

Coordinating with Passengers

Kuwait Airways is actively coordinating with the affected passengers to ensure they reach their final destination as soon as possible. The airline is committed to maintaining high safety standards and providing excellent customer service during this process.


18 Dead in Nepalese Plane Crash


In a tragic incident on July 24, 2024, a Saurya Airlines plane crashed at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, Nepal. The Bombardier CRJ 200 aircraft was en route to Pokhara when it experienced a runway excursion during takeoff, leading to a catastrophic crash that resulted in the deaths of 18 people. The plane was carrying 19 passengers, including 17 maintenance crew members, with the pilot being the sole survivor and currently in stable condition.

The plane was taking off from the southern end of the runway when it flipped, causing its right wing tip to hit the ground. This impact led to the aircraft catching fire and ultimately plunging into a gorge on the eastern side of the runway. Eyewitnesses reported thick smoke billowing from the crash site as rescue teams worked to recover the bodies and assist the injured.

This incident highlights ongoing concerns about air safety in Nepal. The country’s challenging terrain, rapidly changing weather conditions, and aging aircraft fleet contribute to frequent air accidents. Nepalese airlines have faced international scrutiny and sanctions, including a ban from operating in EU airspace since 2013, due to safety concerns.


Check Your Civil ID Address on the PACI Website & Sahel App


Verifying the validity of your Civil ID address in Kuwait is essential for ensuring that your personal information is accurate and up to date. Utilizing modern tools like the Sahel app and the PACI website, residents can effortlessly check their Civil ID status and address validity. This guide will walk you through the simple steps to check your Civil ID address using both the Sahel app and the PACI website, providing you with a seamless way to manage your civil documentation. Whether you prefer using a mobile application or an online portal, this article covers all the necessary steps to ensure your address information is correct, helping you stay compliant with the Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI) requirements.

Steps to Check the Validity of Your Civil ID Address via Sahel App 

Checking the validity of your Civil ID address in Kuwait is easy using the Sahel app. Follow these steps to ensure your address information is accurate and up to date:

  • Open the Sahel App: Launch the Sahel app on your mobile device.
  • Access Services: Tap the second tab from the bottom to navigate to the 'Services' section.
  • Select PACI Services: In the Services section, locate and click on the PACI (Public Authority for Civil Information) logo.
  • Navigate the PACI Menu: In the PACI dropdown list, click on the third menu option.
  • Choose Address Check: Select the second last menu item to proceed.
  • View Your Civil ID Number: Your Civil ID number will be displayed. Click on it to check if your address is valid. 

These steps will help you quickly verify the status of your Civil ID address using the Sahel app.

 Steps to Check the Validity of Your Civil ID Address via PACI Website 

  • Click on the link given here. Select 'Address Availability'.
  • Enter your civil ID number.
  • It will show you whether you have a valid address or not. 

Keeping your Civil ID address valid is essential for smooth interactions with Kuwait's government services. The Sahel app and PACI website provide easy methods to verify your address and ensure your information is current. Try these tools today and share your experience in the comments below!





By 2025, Kuwait will combine four oil companies into two


In a significant development for Kuwait’s oil industry, plans are underway to merge four oil companies into two entities by 2025. An official document obtained by Al-Seyassah reveals that the Kuwait Gulf Oil Company (KGOC) will be merged with the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), marking the second stage in the consolidation process. The Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) is overseeing the transfer of shares from KGOC to KOC.

Sources close to the matter indicate that the final stages of the merger are being meticulously managed to avoid any disruption to the operations of the eight oil companies involved in the consolidation. Sheikh Nawaf Al-Saud Al-Sabah, CEO of the Petroleum Corporation, is personally leading the merger efforts, emphasizing a careful approach to ensure smooth integration. The merger is expected to yield significant financial benefits, with an estimated annual savings of approximately $1.25 billion. These savings will be achieved through reduced costs, streamlined maintenance operations, and other efficiencies.

The consolidation plans are set to unfold over the next few years, with the ultimate goal of merging no fewer than four oil companies into two entities by 2025. The KPC is committed to preserving the rights and benefits of the national workforce, and the CEO has been actively engaging with labor union leaders to address any concerns related to the merger. Future merger activities will focus on integrating companies with similar functions, such as the Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC) and Kuwait Petroleum International Company, which share similar international activities.

The merger strategy has been informed by international and regional oil industry experiences, with the primary objective being to enhance Kuwait’s oil and gas production capabilities. The consolidation aims to foster greater exploration and production efficiency while adhering to global environmental standards.


Kuwait Municipality Introduces New Sahel App-Based Service for Simple Building File Access


Kuwait Municipality has announced the launch of an electronic building files inquiry service through the Sahel application, starting tomorrow, Monday. This initiative marks a significant step towards improving service quality and enhancing digital transformation within the municipality.

Yousef Al-Azmi, Assistant Undersecretary for Development and Information Sector at Kuwait Municipality, stated that the service aims to streamline procedures for citizens. By linking with the Ministry of Justice, the service automatically displays all plots owned by the user.

How to Access the Service?

To access the service, users can:

Enter the Sahel application.

Select the “Construction File” service.

View available plots.

Select the required plot and click on “Upload Technical File” to view the technical file’s contents and any associated documents.

Benefits of the New Service

This new service allows easy electronic access to construction files, eliminating the need for citizens to visit the relevant department. It provides clear visibility of all technical file contents, including:

Ownership documents



Other relevant documents

Enhanced Efficiency and Convenience

The service saves time and effort for citizens by providing a streamlined process for accessing building files. This digital transformation initiative underscores Kuwait Municipality’s commitment to improving service quality and efficiency.

Kuwait Municipality's new electronic building file inquiry service via the Sahel app represents a major advancement in service delivery and digital transformation. This initiative enhances convenience, efficiency, and transparency for citizens, aligning with Kuwait's broader goals for digital innovation.


An Increase In Electronic Theft In Kuwait


Along with the recent global glitch known as the “blue screen of death,” experts have raised alarms about the increasing number of victims falling prey to electronic fraud, hackers, and fake brokers. According to Safaa Al-Zaman, a professor of Information Technology at Kuwait University and Head of the Kuwait Society for Information Security, the number of fake broker companies in Kuwait is increasing. These companies adopt misleading tactics to convince victims to engage in trading in capital markets and real estate.

Al-Zaman revealed that the number of banking fraud victims among citizens and residents has reached 200,000 over four years, disclosing that she herself fell victim to electronic fraud. She recounted being informed by a fellow citizen of losing KD 300,000 to a fake trading company. She expressed concern over how these fraudulent companies manage to operate from well-known complexes in Kuwait, using names and labels similar to trusted companies with slight alterations to deceive clients.

Al-Zaman warned individuals that these companies employ non-Kuwaiti workers fluent in Kuwaiti dialect to promise gains exceeding 100 percent of the capital. She also expressed dismay that some local banks facilitate money transfers abroad through applications, which fraudsters could exploit. Al-Zaman indicated that fraud companies might exploit a bank’s identity, hack its email, and reroute victims’ funds to themselves instead of the intended bank account.

Bader Al-Khudhari, an Information Technology professor at the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET), highlighted a rise in the number of fake broker companies, indicating that the elderly and less educated are particularly vulnerable. He expressed astonishment over reports that the number of fraud crimes in Kuwait reached 128,000 during the period between 2020 and 2022. Al-Khudhari questioned the actions taken by regulatory institutions in response to these figures and stressed the importance of communication companies strengthening regulations on SIM card purchases to help safeguard the public.

Shafi Al-Ajmi, CEO of Kuwait Petroleum International (KPI), is actively overseeing the company’s branches across Europe and Asia, as well as its global investments, to assess the impact of the recent global technical failure. Despite widespread technical disruptions, all of the company’s international fuel stations continued to operate normally without interruptions. KPI’s supply lines for jet fuel, crucial for global air navigation, remained stable, underscoring the company's resilience and effective management in maintaining operations amidst global challenges.

Sheikh Khaled Ahmad Al-Sabah, Acting CEO of the Kuwait Oil Tanker Company, has assured that the company’s tankers are continuing their global voyages uninterrupted despite the recent global technical glitch. He emphasized that the company is maintaining a close watch on operations and conducting continuous risk assessments to navigate these emergency circumstances effectively.

Similarly, Ahmad Al-Kreibani, CEO of Kuwait Airways, confirmed that the airline’s systems are functioning normally and without interruption around the clock. The airline has ensured continuous communication with passengers, external stations, and security sectors to guarantee the safety of both passengers and aircraft. Al-Kreibani highlighted the swift actions taken by the Cyber Security Sector and the Information Technology Department at Kuwait Airways to isolate any affected systems quickly, demonstrating the airline’s commitment to maintaining uninterrupted operations and providing seamless services to its customers.

As the threat of electronic fraud and fake brokers grows, it is imperative for regulatory institutions, communication companies, and individuals to take proactive measures to protect against these risks. The recent experiences of various industry leaders in Kuwait highlight the importance of resilience and effective management in maintaining operations amidst global challenges.


The Al-Ojairi Center forecasts exciting celestial events for Kuwait in late July


Starting Sunday, July 21, the moon will reach its full phase, known as the Muharram full moon, with a brightness of 100 percent. This event will provide an excellent opportunity for skywatchers to view a fully illuminated moon.

Mercury's Maximum Eastern Elongation on July 22

On July 22, Mercury will achieve its maximum eastern elongation, positioning itself at its highest point above the western horizon just after sunset. This moment is ideal for observing and photographing the planet.

Moon and Saturn Conjunction on July 24

Following this, on July 24, the moon will rise in conjunction with Saturn, creating a captivating view as both celestial bodies will appear side by side in the night sky until sunrise the next morning.

Mercury and Regulus Alignment on July 25

Additionally, on July 25, Mercury will align with the star Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo, known for its prominent visibility in the night sky.

Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower Begins on July 28

The final notable event of the week will occur on July 28, when the moon transitions to its second quarter phase, rising late after midnight. This day will also mark the beginning of the Delta Aquarid meteor shower, which is expected to last for two days. This meteor shower, characterized by a medium density, is anticipated to produce up to 20 meteors per hour.

Public Encouragement for Skywatching

The Al-Ojairi Scientific Center encourages the public to take advantage of these celestial events for both viewing and educational purposes.


Kuwaiti Fire Force Urges Fire Prevention Amid Rising Temperatures


During a recent briefing, KFF Director Brigadier Mohammad Al-Ghareeb emphasized the critical importance of possessing and knowing how to use fire prevention equipment. Essential items include fire blankets, smoke and gas detectors, and fire extinguishers. These tools are vital in mitigating fire risks and ensuring safety in the home and workplace.

Electrical Safety Measures

Brigadier Al-Ghareeb highlighted that electrical faults, often resulting from overloaded circuits, are a major cause of fires. To minimize this risk, he advised the public to shut off unnecessary electrical devices, especially during peak usage times. Regular inspections and maintenance of electrical systems are also crucial in preventing such hazards.

Gas Stove Hazards

The KFF director also cautioned about the dangers associated with gas stoves. He advised residents to ensure proper maintenance and operation of gas appliances to prevent leaks and potential explosions. Regular checks and adherence to safety protocols can significantly reduce the risk of gas-related incidents.

Vehicle and Elevator Maintenance

In addition to household safety, Al-Ghareeb underscored the importance of regular vehicle and elevator maintenance. Ensuring these systems are in good working order can prevent tragic accidents and enhance overall safety during the extreme heat period.


Kuwait International Airport resumes regular operations


An official spokesperson for the General Directorate of Civil Aviation has announced that all technical systems at Kuwait International Airport have been restored to their normal operations. The airline systems at the airport have also returned to their standard functioning.

Key Role of the Emergency Business Continuity Plan

The spokesperson emphasized that the rapid response and the implementation of the emergency business continuity plan, approved by civil aviation, were crucial in minimizing the negative impacts of the disruption. The effectiveness of this plan played a significant role in restoring normal operations swiftly.

Appreciation for the Efforts

The spokesperson expressed gratitude to everyone involved in activating the plan, including civil aviation employees, the Ministry of Interior, Customs, ground services companies, and airlines. Their combined efforts were instrumental in overcoming the challenges faced by some flights at Kuwait International Airport.


Four Indians died in the Abbasiya fire accident


In a heart-wrenching tragedy, a family of four lost their lives in a fire at their apartment in Abbasiya. The incident occurred on Friday night, claiming the lives of Mathew Mulackal, his wife Lini Abraham, and their two children, Isack and Irine.

The Incident

The family, originally from Kerala, had just returned from a vacation on Friday morning. Initial reports indicate that the fire started from the air conditioning unit in their apartment. Despite efforts to contain the blaze, the family could not escape the deadly flames.

About the Family

Mathew Mulackal was employed with Reuters, while his wife, Lini Abraham, worked as a staff nurse at Adan Hospital. Their children were students at Bhavans Kuwait, making the loss even more profound for the local community and their school.

Response and Community Impact

The tragic incident has cast a pall over the community, prompting an outpouring of grief and condolences from friends, colleagues, and neighbors. Local authorities are conducting a thorough investigation to determine the exact cause of the fire and to prevent such tragedies in the future.

Safety Measures

In light of these incidents, it is crucial to revisit and reinforce fire safety measures within homes and communities. Regular maintenance of electrical appliances, installation of smoke detectors, and having an emergency escape plan can significantly reduce the risk of fire-related tragedies.


Update Civil ID Address or Be Prepared to Pay Heavy Fines


Updating your Civil ID address in Kuwait is crucial if you've moved to a new building or your previous building has been demolished. Failing to update your address can result in fines of up to 100 KD. Here’s a comprehensive guide on who needs to update their Civil ID address, the required documents, how to get a PACI appointment, and common issues faced during the process.

Who Needs to Update Their Civil ID Address?

  • Moved to a New Building: If you've relocated to a new building but haven't updated your Civil ID address.
  • Demolished Building: If your building has been demolished and you've moved to a new residence without updating your Civil ID address.

Required Documents for Updating Your Civil ID

  • Vasika Paper: This document, issued by the municipality, is typically held by the building owner. Request a copy from your haris (building caretaker).
  • Sanad Aghad (Rental Agreement): Provide both the original and a copy of your rental agreement.
  • Rental Receipts: Copies of the last two months' rental receipts.
  • Two Color Photos: Recent color photographs.
  • Passport Copy: A copy of your passport.
  • Civil ID Copy: A copy of your current Civil ID.
  • Work Permit (Isnamil): In some cases, a work permit is required.
  • Ithama Thokia: Additional document specific to your situation.

Special Cases

If the rental agreement is not in your name and you are sharing the residence with someone else, you must provide all the above documents along with the Civil ID copy of the person whose name is on the rental agreement. This person also needs to sign the form.

Common Issues Faced

  • Shared Rental Agreements: PACI may not approve your address update if the rental agreement is not in your name, a common issue for bachelors and families sharing accommodations.
  • Demolished Buildings: Many residents of demolished buildings face difficulties updating their address due to shared rental agreements.

How to Get a PACI Appointment

After gathering all the required documents, you need to book an appointment with PACI (Public Authority for Civil Information) to update your Civil ID address. Here’s how you can get a PACI appointment:

  1. Visit the PACI Appointment Booking Page
  2. Select PACI - Personal Services
  3. Choose Change of Address
  4. Select Required Branch
  5. Book Available Time Slot

Importance of Updating Your Address

This is the last month to update your address to avoid fines. Ensure all your documents are in order and submit your request promptly.


1. What happens if I don’t update my Civil ID address?

If you fail to update your Civil ID address, you may face fines of up to 100 KD. PACI has launched a nationwide address verification survey and is urging citizens to update their information to avoid penalties.

2. Can I update my Civil ID address if the rental agreement is not in my name?

If the rental agreement is not in your name, you need to provide all required documents and the Civil ID copy of the person whose name is on the rental agreement. This person also needs to sign the form. However, PACI may still not approve your request, which is a common issue faced by many.

3. What should I do if my building is demolished?

If your building has been demolished, you need to update your Civil ID address immediately. PACI has been deleting residential addresses of demolished buildings and urging residents to update their information.

4. How can I check if my Civil ID has a valid address?

You can check whether your Civil ID has a valid address by visiting the PACI website or contacting their customer service.


The Ministry of Social Affairs implemented an emergency food security plan


In response to directives from the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Social Affairs is formulating an emergency plan to ensure the provision of essential food and materials for citizens and residents amidst current regional uncertainties. This initiative aims to mitigate potential disruptions in the supply chain of essential and complementary food commodities across central markets and cooperative branches nationwide.

The Ministry of Social Affairs, which oversees the operations, accounts, and purchasing policies of cooperative societies, is emphasizing the importance of maintaining food security during these uncertain times. Cooperative societies are pivotal in maintaining food and commodity stocks, and the ministry’s plan aims to secure these vital supplies.

The emergency plan includes the establishment of a dedicated team to monitor food and commodity supplies and review existing emergency protocols from relevant government agencies. This team will also incorporate experienced individuals from past crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, to enhance the plan’s effectiveness. These efforts underscore the sensitivity of the current situation and the necessity to ensure the availability of critical commodities and supplies.

In a related development, several shareholders of a cooperative society in the Hawalli Governorate have filed a complaint with the Minister of Social Affairs, Family and Childhood Affairs, and Minister of State for Youth Affairs, Dr. Amthal Al-Huwailah. They expressed concern over the ministry’s decision to retain certain board members despite an investigation committee’s report indicating suspected violations.

The shareholders are surprised that these members continue to manage the society’s funds even after being referred to court. The allegations include non-compliance with financial protocols, improper cooperative purchasing practices, and contract regulation breaches. The shareholders are urging Minister Al-Huwailah to suspend these members’ administrative powers to protect the society’s funds and reputation until the case is resolved.

 In an administrative update, the Acting Undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Dr. Khaled Al-Ajmi, issued Administrative Decision No. 2386 of 2024. The decision appoints Talal Al-Khudair, Supervisor of the Research and Statistics Department in the Planning and Administrative Development Sector, to carry out the duties of the Director of the Department.


Kuwait Customs Improves Security With New High-Tech Pallet Inspection Device


Today, the General Administration of Customs unveiled its latest initiative aimed at bolstering security measures across Kuwait’s customs ports. A state-of-the-art pallet inspection device has been introduced to enhance efforts in detecting and preventing smuggling activities that pose risks to national security.

The new device has been deployed initially at Shuwaikh Port (Gate 3 – Customs Inspection Ram) and Land Customs. This advanced technology integrates seamlessly into existing operational frameworks, following successful implementations at Doha Port and the Air Customs Department. This underscores the administration’s commitment to advancing its security infrastructure.

Manufactured by Smiths Detection, a renowned leader in security solutions, the new device represents cutting-edge technology renowned for its high-precision inspection capabilities. This enhancement aims to fortify Kuwait’s defenses against illicit activities, ensuring robust protection of the country’s borders and economic interests.

The introduction of this advanced inspection tool marks a significant stride in Kuwait’s efforts to maintain rigorous customs enforcement and safeguard national integrity. As global threats evolve, Kuwait remains steadfast in its dedication to leveraging innovative solutions to uphold security standards at its customs checkpoints.


The Kuwait Ministry of Health has issued a warning against sun exposure


The Ministry of Health issued a warning on Tuesday about the dangers of prolonged or repeated exposure to sunlight, particularly during peak hours from 10 am to 4 pm. Dr. Abdullah Al-Sanad, the official spokesman for the Ministry, conveyed through the ministry’s social media channels that direct exposure to sunlight during these hours can pose serious health risks, including sunburn, heat stress, sunstroke, and muscle damage.

Avoid Peak Sunlight Hours

Al-Sanad urged everyone to avoid going outdoors during peak sunlight hours and to minimize direct exposure to the sun unless absolutely necessary, while taking necessary precautions if they must go out. He noted that with the recent rise in temperatures, medical facilities have reported an increase in cases related to heat and sun exposure. Hospitals have treated about 33 patients of various ages in the six governorates during the first ten days of July for heat-related illnesses. 

High-Risk Groups

He highlighted that children, beachgoers, and water sports enthusiasts are among the groups most at risk from prolonged sun exposure. He also advised outdoor workers and employers to schedule rest periods in shaded or air-conditioned areas to prevent heat exhaustion, as these groups are particularly susceptible to heat stress and sunburn.

Vulnerable Populations

Al-Sanad also mentioned that the elderly are highly vulnerable to heat-related illnesses. Families and caregivers should ensure that elderly individuals stay hydrated and remain in cool, shaded, or air-conditioned environments. He stressed the importance of recognizing symptoms of heat-related illnesses, such as dizziness, headache, nausea, excessive sweating, and general weakness. If any of these symptoms occur, individuals should immediately stop their activities, seek a cool place, and drink fluids.

Recognizing Symptoms and Taking Action

He emphasized that if symptoms persist or worsen, medical help should be sought immediately. Following these guidelines can significantly reduce the health risks associated with high temperatures.


Scammer poses as bank representative and steals KD 1015 from Bangladeshi expat


A Bangladeshi expatriate in Kuwait fell victim to a sophisticated phone scam, losing KD 1015 from his bank account. The scammer, posing as a representative from a local bank, called the victim and claimed that he needed to update his bank account details with the latest Civil ID information.

The scammer then requested the victim’s bank account number, assuring him that he would receive a message from the bank asking for an OTP (One-Time Password). Trusting the caller, the victim provided the OTP, unaware that it would be used to drain his entire account balance within minutes.

Banks and the Ministry of Interior have warned the public to be cautious of such scams, which often involve criminals spoofing legitimate organizations to gain the trust of unsuspecting victims. They advise people to never share sensitive financial information over the phone, even if the caller claims to be from a trusted institution.

How Scammers Operate to Withdraw Money from Online Bank Accounts

Scammers often employ sophisticated tactics to gain access to victims’ bank account information and drain their funds. Here’s how they typically operate:

Phishing Scams

Scammers may send fraudulent emails, texts, or phone calls that appear to be from the victim’s bank, asking them to verify their account details. Once the victim provides this sensitive information, the scammers can use it to log into the account and make unauthorized withdrawals.

Automated Withdrawal Schemes

Scammers may trick victims into providing their bank account and routing numbers, often under the guise of updating account information. With this data, they can set up automatic withdrawals to siphon funds from the account over time.

Impersonation Fraud

Criminals may pose as government officials, charity representatives, or other trusted entities to convince victims to share their banking credentials. Once they have this information, they can access the account and transfer money.

Password Cracking

Scammers use technology to rapidly guess weak passwords, allowing them to log into victims’ online banking portals and steal funds. Using longer, more complex passwords can significantly slow down these attacks.

Skimming and Card Cloning

Criminals may install card skimmers on ATMs or point-of-sale terminals to capture account numbers and PINs, which they can then use to create counterfeit cards and withdraw cash.

Protect Yourself from Scams

To protect themselves, consumers should be wary of unsolicited requests for sensitive financial information, regularly monitor their bank statements, and use strong, unique passwords for all their accounts. Reporting any suspected fraud to the bank and authorities can also help limit the damage and prevent further losses.


Following a viral video, an Indian man was rescued from the Kuwait desert by the Indian Embassy


In a heart-wrenching turn of events, an Indian man named Shiva from Chintaparthi village, near Madanapalle in Rayalaseema, Andhra Pradesh, was rescued from the harsh deserts of Kuwait after his distressing video went viral on social media platforms in both Kuwait and India. Shiva's plea for help highlighted the dire conditions he was enduring, including excessive work, extreme heat, and complete isolation.

The Viral Video and its Impact

Shiva posted a video on social media describing his suffering in the Kuwaiti desert. In the video, he expressed his desperation and mentioned that if he didn't receive help within two days, he would commit suicide. The video quickly gained traction and was shared widely, reaching influential figures and media outlets.

Prominent politician Nara Lokesh from Andhra Pradesh brought attention to Shiva's plight, amplifying his call for help. Lokesh tweeted about the situation, assuring that Shiva was now safe at the Indian Embassy in Kuwait and would soon return to Andhra Pradesh.

Other popular social media platforms, such as Kuwait Local, Galli2Delhi also shared his story, further increasing its visibility.

Local media in Kuwait, including the Kuwait Andhra community, also covered the story, helping the video to reach a wider audience. The Kuwait Andhra community's Facebook page was among the first to raise the issue. Telugu-speaking residents in Kuwait are encouraged to follow Kuwait Andhra for updates and support.

Indian Embassy's Swift Action

The Indian Embassy in Kuwait swiftly responded to Shiva's plea for help. They located him and brought him to the embassy's shelter in Kuwait. The embassy has assured that they will take care of Shiva until he can be safely returned to India.

For any assistance, the Indian Embassy in Kuwait can be contacted

The Power of Social Media

Shiva's case highlights the incredible power of social media when used responsibly. Within hours of posting his video, thousands of people shared and commented on it, bringing his plight to the attention of authorities and leading to his rescue. This incident underscores the importance of social media as a tool for raising awareness and mobilizing support in times of crisis.


Shiva's story is a testament to the strength of community and the power of social media. It is a reminder that, in today's interconnected world, a cry for help can reach millions and potentially save lives. As Shiva prepares to return to India, his story serves as an inspiration for many and a call to action for those who witness suffering and have the power to share and support.


The degree requirement for expat family visas has been removed


 The Ministry of Interior on Monday decided to cancel the university degree condition for expatriates to apply for a family visa. Sources explained that based on the decision, expatriates are allowed to bring their wives and children under the age of 14 to the country without the condition of having a university degree. Last January, the ministry issued a directive for the residency affairs departments in various governorates to start receiving family visa applications according to new controls and conditions as per the instruction of First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and Defense Sheikh Fahad Al-Yousuf Al- Sabah.

This step was taken after the issuance of Ministerial Resolution No. 56/2024 on the new conditions and controls for the issuance of an entry visa to join a family member, such as raising the salary requirement to KD800, the applicant must have university qualifications and his profession in the country should match his qualification certificates.

On the other hand, sources confirmed that the security sectors in the ministry continue their campaigns against violators of the Residency and Labor laws. They affirmed these campaigns will not stop and will cover all governorates in order to expel violators from the country. Sources added that the senior leadership at the ministry issued a directive to provide all the necessary humanitarian services to the violators, and for the Deportation Administration to expedite the completion of procedures for their deportation.


PACI Launches National Address Verification Survey


To restore state authority and enforce the rule of law, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense and Interior Sheikh Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah has directed the Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI) to conduct a comprehensive survey across all residential areas in Kuwait. This survey aims to identify individuals registered under addresses where they do not actually reside.

 Overview of the Address Verification Initiative

The initiative, driven by the need to correct inaccuracies in residency records, will impact many citizens and residents. PACI has already canceled thousands of incorrect addresses, primarily affecting those who no longer reside at the listed locations. This move follows numerous complaints from homeowners about individuals erroneously registered under their properties for years.

Reasons Behind the Survey

Inaccurate address registrations have posed significant challenges for law enforcement authorities attempting to locate violators or criminals based on recorded addresses. This survey aims to rectify these inaccuracies and ensure that all residency records are up-to-date and accurate.

Steps Involved in the Verification Process

PACI plans to summon homeowners and residential building owners to provide testimony regarding the actual residents of their properties. Following this, individuals concerned will receive notifications via the Sahl application to visit PACI and correct their address details or provide new one

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Individuals who fail to respond within two months of receiving the notification will face a fine of KD 20 per month. This stringent measure underscores the importance the government places on maintaining accurate and reliable residency records.

This initiative is part of a broader effort to uphold the integrity of residency information in Kuwait, ensuring that state resources are allocated correctly and law enforcement can effectively perform their duties.


Kuwait will implement service charge increases and cut subsidies to achieve financial stability


The Finance Ministry of Kuwait is set to implement significant measures aimed at achieving "financial sustainability." These measures include increasing charges for public services, reducing subsidy bills, and capping public spending, as reported by Kuwait Times.

Financial Status and Projections

Finance Minister Dr. Anwar Al-Mudhaf highlighted the dire state of the country's finances, revealing that state reserve assets have dramatically decreased from KD 33.6 billion in 2015/2016 to less than KD 2 billion currently. This reduction is attributed to meeting cumulative budget deficits totaling KD 32.2 billion over the past nine fiscal years. The ministry projects a bleak financial outlook for the next four fiscal years (2025/2026 to 2028/2029), estimating an accumulated budget deficit of KD 26 billion if the status quo is maintained, assuming oil prices average $76 per barrel.

Diversification of Income Sources

To address this financial challenge, the ministry plans to diversify Kuwait's income sources and reduce the near-total dependence on oil revenue. The aim is to increase non-oil revenues from KD 2.7 billion currently to KD 4 billion by the 2027/2028 fiscal year.

Planned Measures

The ministry's strategy involves:

  • Raising Charges for Public Services: Adjusting fees for various public services to increase government revenue.
  • Reducing Subsidy Bills: Cutting down on the extensive subsidies that contribute to the budget deficit.
  • Capping Public Spending: Implementing strict limits on public spending to control the fiscal deficit.

Implications for Kuwait's Economy

These measures are essential for ensuring the sustainability of Kuwait's finances. The diversification of income sources and prudent fiscal management are expected to stabilize the economy, reduce deficits, and secure financial stability in the long term.

IFL  - Kuwait 2024