Embassy News


Issue of OCI cards to The erstwhile PIO card holders


The Government of India has extended the date for submission of applications for registration as Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card holder by the erstwhile PIO card holders, till December 31, 2016.


2.     The conversion of PIO cards into OCI cards will be done free-of-charge for applications submitted till 31 December 2016.


3.     All concerned in Kuwait are requested take benefit from the extended dateline.

Repatriation of Mortal Remains To India and Claim Of Outstanding Dues

Repatriation of Mortal Remains To India and Claim Of Outstanding Dues

A system is in place for most immediate repatriation of mortal remains of Indian nationals. The Community Welfare section of the Embassy has a dedicated team which make daily visits to hospitals, Police Stations, Detention Cell/Deportation Centres etc to enquire about unfortunate death incidents and to ensure that mortal remains of Indian nationals are sent to their native town/village in the shortest possible time. The Embassy contact details are available on its Website.

2.         In case of natural deaths (heart attack, sickness, old age etc.), the mortal remains are airlifted to India most quickly depending on the efforts of relatives/ employer/ friends as well as availability of flights. In case of unnatural deaths (such as suicide, drowning, fire, traumatic injury, inhalation of gases etc.) and after clearing all formalities required by Kuwaiti law, the mortal remains of Indian Nationals are airlifted to the nearest airport in about 1-4 weeks time from intimation of death. The Embassy’s website has the latest position on disposal of mortal remains of Indian Nationals since July 2014. The table below provides a break- up figures with regard to deaths gender-wise along with its causes for the period 2013 to March 2016.

Second International Day of Yoga (IDY) Celebrations on 24 June 2016

Second International Day of Yoga (IDY) Celebrations on 24 June 2016 (Friday) from 0600 hrs onwards at American International School,  Kuwait


You are aware that the 1st International Day of Yoga was celebrated at Embassy premises last year, with H.E. Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Minister for Amir Diwan Affairs being the Chief Guest for this event.


2.         In order to allow greater space for performing Yoga asanas, the venue for the 2nd IDY celebrations has been changed this year to the indoor stadium of American International School, Meidan Hawalli, Kuwait. The event will be held from 0600 hours on 24 June 2016 (Friday). Our partners for this event are ‘Art of Living’, ‘Sahaj Marg’, ‘Artistic Yoga’, ‘Harmony House’, ‘Sevadarshan’ and ‘AMMA’ Kuwait, all based in Kuwait.  Various Yoga asanas will be performed, followed by Pranayam and Meditation session as per Common Yoga Protocol.  In addition, a team of doctors from Indian Dental Alliance Kuwait (IDAK) would be conducting the oral screening and will present a talk on the “Lifestyle and Oral health” to create awareness regarding oral health management. Indian Doctors forum will also make a presentation on the occasion.  The event will be covered by K TV Channel- 2 and the local media.  Registration is open to general public on first come first serve basis. All interested may kindly register at   https://www.indembkwt.org/IYD/

Please visit https://youtu.be/B7XpkH6pzlgto view First International Day of Yoga celebrations held worldwide on 21 June 2015.

For Common Yoga protocol, please visit :  > https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwQXyLTnGaP7UzJ3WHRDNWQycFE    


3.         The Embassy invites participation from one and all in Kuwait at the 2nd IDY celebrations on 24 June 2016 to make this event a grand success. 

Indian Community Members Abroad Were Targeted By Gangs Of Fraudsters

Indian Community Members Abroad Were Targeted By Gangs Of Fraudsters
Government of India has recently come across several reports of frauds where Indian community members abroad were targeted by gangs of fraudsters.  The modus operandi of these fraudsters is to call victims saying that the local authorities have initiated legal proceedings against them because they have submitted false information in their immigration papers, and that it can result in their arrest or deportation.  These fraudsters would then demand money to be transferred urgently to a lawyer/consultant’s account saying that this lawyer/consultant has been appointed by Indian Embassy to assist the victim in his legal proceedings.  However, to avoid any delay due to bureaucratic procedures, fraudsters will ask the money to be transferred immediately to the account, assuring the victim at the same time that the money will be reimbursed to him/her later by Indian Embassy.  It is suspected that these fraudsters are using their hacking skills to access personal details of their targets and to off-guard their victims, they pretend as if they are Indian Embassy staff calling from the Embassy. 


The Embassy advises all members of Indian community in Kuwait not to fall prey to such fraudsters’ calls.  If any such calls are received by any member of the community, he/she should immediately contact Embassy officials in person (phone numbers are available on the website at https://www.indembkwt.org) so that necessary remedial actions are taken by this Embassy.  

Timings of the Indian Embassy and Its Outsourcing Centres During The Holy Month of Ramadan

Embassy and Its Outsourcing Centres During The Holy Month of Ramadan
For continued rendering of best possible services to the Indian community, Kuwaiti nationals and expatriates residing in Kuwait,  during the Holy month of Ramadan, the office timings of Embassy and its Passport and Visa Service Outsourcing Centers operated by COX & KINGS Global Services, Kuwait, are as follows:

                  Indian Embassy Consular Wing(for attestation & grievances etc)

                  Sunday to Thursday

                  0730 hrs to 1630 hrs (1300 hrs to 1400 hrs break)

                  (Friday & Saturday are closed holidays)

                  Cox & Kings Global Services(for passport & visa services)

                   From Sunday to Thursday

                  (0800 hrs to 1200 hrs and 1600 hrs to 2000 hrs)

                   On      Friday & Saturday

                  (1600 hrs to 2000 hrs)

                  Cox and Kings Global Services have their offices located at:

                  (i)      Behbahani Tower, 17th Floor, Sharq, Kuwait

                  (ii)      Complex Kais Alghanim, 4th Floor, Mecca Street in front of Al Anood Complex, Fahaheel, Kuwait

                  (iii)     2nd Floor, Jleeb Al Shuyoukh Block 1, Street 1, Xcite building, Kuwait      

A Comprehensive Advisory For The Benefit And Welfare Of Indian Community In Kuwait

A Comprehensive Advisory For The Benefit And Welfare Of Indian Community In Kuwait

            A Comprehensive advisory is given below for the benefit and welfare of Indian community in Kuwait.

Do's and Don’ts

•  Indian emigrants are advised to retain their original passports as they are non-transferable Government of India documents. Passport should not be handed to Recruiting Agent /Foreign Employer for emigration clearance before being selected.

•   Please ensure that you are not carrying any edible items with you.

•   Possession of drugs and narcotics may result to life imprisonment or death sentence in Kuwait.

•   Kindly ensure that you have employment Visa if you are going for employment. Any other visa will render you an illegal emigrant in the country if you are found to have been employed there.

•   The moment one reaches the destination, please leave two names and telephone numbers of local contacts residing there with your family in India along with the address and telephone number of Embassy of India in Kuwait  ( Telephone:22530600 , 22530612 - 14 ).

•   If you are going as unskilled or domestic worker, kindly ensure that your employment documents are pre-attested by the Indian Mission in Kuwait of your proposed employment. Ladies below the age of 30 years going as housemaids are not eligible for employment abroad in ECR countries. For Kuwait, the employment of female domestic workers has been discontinued since 12.12.2014.

•   If you are going abroad, leave a photocopy-set at home, of all your travel and employment documents.

•  Be sure of your Recruiting Agent. Ask him to show his Registration Certificate issued by the Protector General of Emigrants, Govt. of India. Do not deal with him unless he is registered and the registration is valid. In case of doubt, check with any of the offices of the Protectors of Emigrants (POEs) or the Protector General of Emigrants (PGE).

•  DO NOT deal with sub-agents as they are not permitted under the Emigration Act, 1983 and Rules.

•  Ask the Recruiting Agent to show to you the Demand Letter and Power of Attorney from the foreign employer.

•  Also carefully go through the Employment Contract detailing the salary/wage levels and other service conditions.

• DO NOT pay more than the equivalent of wages for forty five days as offered under the employment contract, subject to maximum of Rupees Twenty Thousand in respect of services provided and take a receipt of this payment.

• Pay preferably by Demand Draft or Cheque and obtain a receipt. Complaints of overcharging or cheating can be lodged with the concerned POE or with the Protector General of Emigrants (PGE).


Following intervention by the Embassy to stop irregularities in the recruitment of Indian nurses for work in Kuwait, the recruitment of Indian nurses for overseas employment in 17 ECR countries  (both Private hospitals and Government hospitals)  has been restricted through four State-run recruiting agencies namely;  NORKA Roots, Kerala,  Overseas Development and Employment Consultants (ODEPC), Kerala, Overseas Manpower Corporation Limited (OMCL) Chennai and Uttar Pradesh Financial Corporation through e-Migrate system.

The Nurse profession has been placed under ECR regime. In other words, emigration clearance is now mandatory for them for seeking employment in any of the 17 ECR countries.

There are reports of some unscrupulous agencies recruiting Indian nurses for Kuwait by arranging interview in a third country, in violation of regulations issued by the Government of India. One should resist such offers and inform the Embassy and the concerned Indian authorities.

No advance money to be paid to any agent in India or in Kuwait.

One should register and approach the above 4 designated agencies of State Manpower Corporations for seeking employment as a nurse in Kuwait.


            •  Please ensure that designation/category is same on your visa for which you have been recruited.

•  Before departure the emigrant should collect all the numbers of Indian Missions of the country where he/she is going.

•  Ensure you have a valid Passport at least for six months. A valid Visa must be either stamped on or accompany your Passport. Always keep a photocopy of your Passport and Visa.

•   You must possess a copy of the Employment Contract signed by you and your foreign employer duly attested by the registered recruiting agent.

•   Insist on a copy of Employment Contract in English duly authenticated by the recruiting agent.

•  Open a Saving Bank N.R.E. Account in one of the Banks in India to enable you to send your remittances from abroad.

Acquaint yourself with local labor laws, working and living conditions of the country of employment. Keep complete address of the Indian Embassy with you.


•  Obtain a Resident Permit or Identity Card, Labor Card or IQUAMA. DO NOT part with your Passport and copy of Employment Contract signed by you in India, at any cost.

• DO NOT sign any other Employment Contract or any blank paper. DO NOT strike work or resort to agitations. These are illegal under local labor laws. You could be arrested, imprisoned and also deported.

            •  AVOID all sexual contacts that may result in AIDS – a dreaded disease.

Keep in touch with the nearest Indian Embassy in Kuwait and report any complaints about non-payment or delayed payment of wages or compensations or any other problem to the Indian Embassy in Kuwait.


• Personal baggage – Customs checking is VERY STRICT. Kindly co-operate with the Customs staff at the International Airport. Ensure that you do not carry any narcotics or alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is strictly prohibited. Its consumption is a serious offence attracting severe punishment.

• DO NOT accept any unchecked parcel from any one. If you have to take a parcel for someone, check thoroughly that it does not contain alcohol or narcotics. Otherwise, it may land you in serious difficulties on arrival in the country of employment.


• The State religion of all countries in the Gulf (and in Malaysia) is ISLAM. Public practice of any other religion is strictly prohibited.


• You must make and keep a photocopy of all the pages of your Passport. DO NOT lose your Passport or its photocopy.

•  By chance if you misplace your Passport, inform the nearest Indian Mission immediately giving them details, i.e. Passport number, date and place of issue, your name and date of your entry in the country of employment. You can give these details only if you keep a photocopy of your Passport.

•  DO NOT lose your copy of Employment Contract. Make photocopies and keep them with you always.

•  You must have a full name, address, telephone/fax number of your foreign employer, before you leave India.

•  If you have difficulty in locating your foreign employer, contact the nearest Indian Mission immediately.

• DO NOT accept temporary or permanent employment with another person or establishment other than that the sponsoring Company/ establishment/ person. Employment with persons other than your original sponsor is strictly prohibited and attracts severe punishment.

• Before the Visa or Employment Contract expires, get them renewed. If you are returning to India for a short while during the tenure of your Employment Contract abroad, ensure that the validity period of Visa does not expire before you return to the country of employment.

• Also ensure that your Passport is valid. At least six months before it is about to expire, get it revalidated from the concerned Indian Mission abroad or from the Regional Passport Office (RPO) in India.


            No cremation facilities are available in Kuwait. Mortal remains need to be airlifted to India for this purpose. Burial facility is available to all expatriates.

         The above suggestions are not exhaustive. A list of Indian Embassy officers is available on the website.  Your suggestions/comments or views are most welcome.

Meditation Session At The Embassy Auditorium

Relaxation & Meditation

        Indian Embassy in association with Heartfulness Meditation organized a meditation session at the Embassy auditorium on 6 May, 2016.  This Event was organized as a run up to the main event before the 2nd International Yoga Day 2016 celebrations on 24 June 2016. The session started with a brief introduction to Heartfulness meditation by their Country Organizer, Mr. Balaji Srinivasan. Then, there was a practical session of Heartfulness Relaxation Technique. They can be contacted on kwt@heartfulness.orgor sahajmargkwt@gmail.comto organize an introductory session.

2.      The Indian Embassy is organizing 2nd International Day of Yoga at the Embassy Auditorium on Friday, 24 June 2016 from 0600 hours onwards. We would request all enthusiasts to register at the Embassy Website for the 24th June event to make it a grand success.

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On- Going Security Drive

On- Going Security Drive

In view of on-going security drive, Indian nationals residing in Kuwait are advised to comply with the residency and visa laws of the country and keep their Civil ID (or Passport) with them for showing to the security officials during security checks. Some expatriates have been arrested in Kuwait due to overstaying their residence visas and for other violations. Furthermore, there are reports about expatriates holding domestic worker visa (Visa Article No. 20) being arrested as they were working in construction/private sectors, in violation of residency/visa rules. It is, therefore, incumbent upon all those holding Kuwaiti employment visa (Visa No. 18 or Visa 20) not to violate rules and regulations of Kuwait to stay legally in the country.

2.        The Embassy will continue to issue Travel documents (Emergency Certificates) to Indian nationals facing deportation, particularly to those whose passport could not be retrieved from their sponsors. During the last four months (January – April 2016), a total of 2,220 Emergency Certificates (Travel Documents) were issued by the Indian Embassy to facilitate repatriation of Indian nationals in detention in Kuwait. The Embassy would continue to assist Indian nationals overstaying in Kuwait for their repatriation by issuing travel documents (Emergency Certificates). 

Election commission message for NRI s

The Election Commission of India (ECI) is in the process of registration of NRIs as overseas electors. The present number of overseas electors is insignificant in comparison to the number of NRIs. Overseas/NRI electors can submit their details in NVSP (National Voters Services Portal) for inclusion of their names in the State Level Electoral roll which should furnish full details of address in the country outside India where they are currently residing.
An Overseas Indian (NRI) can get registered/enrolled in the electoral roll by filing an application in prescribed Form 6A before the Electoral Registration Officer or Assistant Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency at the place of residence of the applicant in India according to the address given in his/her passport. For any queries (including FAQs) in this regard, all concerned may contact the following telephone numbers which are given below:-
Telephone: 0091-11-23717391-98; FAX-0091-11-23713412
For more details please log on to www.eci.nic.in

Overseas Indian Facilitation Centre

The Overseas Indian Facilitation Centre (OIFC), a PPP (Public Private Partnership) and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), has announced its “India Connect” initiatives for a proactive and sustained engagement with Overseas Indians. The OIFC India Fellows Programme is a key initiative of OIFC in partnership with the Indian School of Business (ISB). The programme is offered to young Indians in the age group of 21-39 years at a fee of USD $ 5,000 and starts in July 2016. Last date to submit filled in applications Round 1 is 31 May and Round 2 is 30 June 2016.
    The programme which has been tailor made for the Indian Diaspora, offers an opportunity to gain an understanding of rules and regulations vital for market entry into India. It provides a practical insight about doing business in India, engagement and networking chances with Indian businessmen, besides an insight into innovative and disruptive business models emerging in India. The year long programme includes a 12 days residential session in India. For more details about the scheme, please log on to www.isb.edu/eee/indiafellows  . All concerned are requested to participate in the above programme.

Visa & Passport Services by the Indian Embassy

Visa & Passport Services by the Indian Embassy

Frequent visitors to India from Kuwait, both Kuwaiti nationals as well as expatriates residing in Kuwait, are strongly advised to take 5-year or 1-year, multiple entry Business visas to India. The Indian Passport and Visa Service Provider, M/s Cox & Kings Services (CKGS), Kuwait has been providing visa services to Kuwaiti nationals and expatriates in Kuwait through their three centres- Sharq (City), Fahaheel and Abbasiya (Jleeb Al Showaikh)  as well as passport services to Indian community. The above centre functions from 8 AM - 12 noon and thereafter from 4 PM - 8 PM on all working days. However, on closed holidays on Fridays and Saturdays, the working hours are from 4 PM -8 PM only. Attestation services are provided at the Embassy premises only.

2.       Visas issued has increased during the last two years due to streamlining of visa procedures, with grant of 5-year and 1-year business visas (multiple entry) and 6- month tourist visas (multiple entry) to Kuwaiti nationals (as well as foreign nationals resident in Kuwait). All those travelling to India regularly are advised to apply for tourist visa (6-month multiple entry) or long-term business visa (5-year or 1-year, multiple entry). All visas are granted within 72 hours. Visa fee structure for Kuwaiti nationals is as below:

Visa fees for Kuwaiti nationals

[Exclusive of service charge of KD 3.250 by CKGS, Kuwait and KD 1.000 for ICWF by the Embassy]

(i)    Tourist visa : 6- months/ Multiple entry                            - KD 13.00
(ii)   Business visa : 1- year/ Multiple entry                             - KD 38.00
(iii)   Business visa : 5- years/ multiple entry                           -  KD 63.00
(iv)   Transit visa : 15 -days single/double entry                      -  KD 07.00

(v)    Student visa : 1- years /Triple entry                                 - KD 24.00
(vi)   Medical visa : 1- year /Multiple entry                                - KD 38.00

(vii)  Medical Visa : 6- Month/Multiple entry                              - KD 25.00

(viii) Employment visa: upto 1- year/Multiple entry                   - KD 38.00

3.       As the visa work of the Embassy has been outsourced to M/s CKGS, Kuwait since August 2014, applicants are advised to visit Passport and Visa Centres of CKGS at (a) Indian Visa and Passport Application Centre, 17 Floor, Behbahani Building, Sharq, Kuwait : Tel. No. 22440392 (e- mail: indiavisa.kuwait@ckgs.com)or ; (b) Indian Visa and Passport Application Centre, Complex Kais Alghanim, 4 Floor, Mecca Street, in front of Annod Complex, Fahaheel, Kuwait: Tel. No. 22909229 ( e-mail: indiavisa.kuwait@ckgs.com). (c) Jleeb Al Showaikh (Abbasiya)  2nd Floor,Jleeb Al Shuyoukh Block 1,Street 1, Xcite building, Kuwait Tel. No. 24342428) ( e-mail: indiavisa.kuwait@ckgs.com). The website of CKGS, Kuwait is https://www.kw.ckgs.in/

4.       In emergency cases, the Embassy will also accept the visa applications at its Visa Wing from applicants. Mr Arvind Srivastava, Visa Officer may be contacted at Tel. No. 22550600 Extn. 279 and for passport related queries applicants may call Mr. K.K. Pahel, First Secretary (Consular) at Mobile No. 97229948. Fee structure for passport is as below:

[Exclusive of service charge of KD 3.250 by CKGS, Kuwait and KD 1.000 for ICWF by the Embassy]

(i)           New Passport for 10 years validity                         23.000

(ii)          Jumbo Passport (60 pages)                                   31.000

(iii)        New Passport for Minor below 18 years                  15.500

(iv)        New Passport in Lieu of Damage/Lost Passport      46.000

(v)         Passport for New Born Baby                                  31.000



Social and development programmes

 Participation of Indian Community in Kuwait
During the visit of Hon’ble PM and other senior leadership to foreign countries,
Indian diaspora has shown keen interest in participating in India’s social and development programs, and flagship initiatives of Government of India such as, Swachh Bharat and Namami Gange. 2.  To facilitate contributions/philanthropy by NRI/PIOs to India, Government of India had set up a not-for-profit Trust known as India Development Foundation of Overseas Indians (IDF-OI) in 2008 to serve as a single window for overseas Indian philanthropy/contributions by NRIs/PIOs to India. Following the merger of Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs with Ministry of External Affairs, IDF-OI is now under the Ministry of External Affairs and is chaired by Hon’ble External Affairs Minister.  The IDF-
OI has gathered a pool of nearly 100 social and developmental projects pertaining to Swachh Bharat, sanitation, education, women’s empowerment and sustainable livelihood after consultation with States in India. Following are the highlights of IDF-OI mechanism:
(a)       IDF-OI has received exemption from MHA under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA 2010) owing to which it has necessary permissions to receive contributions in foreign currency.
(b)   IDF-OI does not charge/deduct any administrative charges from the contributions it receives from NRIs/PIOs. Except the bank transaction charges the entire amount received from NRIs/PIOs is transferred to the project implementing agency.
(c)  To enable oversight of implementation of programmes funded by overseas Indian donors, an agreement will be signed between IDF-OI and project implementing agency.
(d)       Implementing agency for the programme will send regular feedback reports, photos and statement of utilization of funds to the donor. These will also be posted on IDF-OI’s website.
(e)   At the site of project funded by the NRI/PIO donors will get an acknowledgement with a signage which states that   “The project has been funded by Shri/Shrimati.........
3. As a result of revamping and outreach efforts, it may be noted that IDF-OI has already received the following contributions from overseas Indians in the last six months:-
(i)        Rs.72 lakh for construction of community toilets in Kerala; and
(ii)       Rs. 26 lakh for the Namami Gange project.
4.        IDF-OI is setting up a Payment Gateway through its website which will enable NRIs and PIOs to contribute even small amounts ranging from a few dollars using their credit cards or debit cards online to projects of their choice offered by IDF-OI.
5.        The Embassy of India in Kuwait seeks active support/participation of 8.8 lakh strong Indian Diaspora in Kuwait to above social and developmental programmes/flagship initiatives of GOI for contribution to the projects offered by IDF-OI. 6. Further information is available at IDF-OI website www.idfoi.org.

A Yoga Session At The Circle of Peace

A Yoga Session At The Circle of Peace

On the initiative taken by Government of India, the United Nations has declared 21st June as the INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY. As part of its celebrations, Embassy of India celebrated the First International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 21 June 2015 which witnessed great amount of enthusiasm from people of all walks of life.

2.      The Embassy is pleased to inform that 2nd International day of Yoga will be celebrated on Friday, 24 June 2016 at the Embassy premises from 0600 hours onwards. In the run up to the 2nd IDY celebrations, Embassy is organizing a ‘Yoga session’ at the Circle of Peace, Al-Shaheed Park, Kuwait City on Friday, 8 April 2016 from 0700-0930 hrs.  The event is organised in association with the ‘Art of Living’, ‘Harmony House’ ‘Artistic Yoga’, ‘Isha Foundation’ and ‘Sahaj Marg’, all based in Kuwait. Different Yoga Asanas will be performed which will be followed by meditation and Pranayam sessions. All are therefore cordially invited to register themselves at https://www.indembkwt.org/IYD/

3.      Please bring in your Yoga mats and enjoy the festivities of Yoga with your family and friends and feel rejuvenated. Kindly note that no eatables are allowed inside the Park.

Number of Indian Nationals residing in Kuwait

As per the latest statistics (10 February 2016) received by the Embassy from the Kuwaiti authorities, the number of Indian nationals legally residing in Kuwait has reached 8.8 lakh mark. In addition, there are approximately 28,000 Indian nationals who have overstayed their visas and, therefore, are staying illegally in the country. Some highlights from the latest figures are:-
• The Indian community in Kuwait has grown by 10% in 2015. Our community remains the most preferred community in Kuwait.
• The gender ratio of Indians in Kuwait is highly skewed as they are more Indian males than Indian females in the country.
• Out of 8.8 lakh Indians, nearly 3 lakh are domestic workers (i.e. drivers, gardeners, cleaners, ayahs, cooks and housemaids).
• The majority of Indians (4.26 lakh) are deployed in private sectors (i.e. construction workers, technicians, engineers, doctors, chartered accountants, IT experts, etc.). In addition, there are about 1.1 lakh dependants i.e. spouses/children. Out of these, there are about 42,000 Indian students studying in 20 Indian schools in the country. With Indian companies being awarded EPC contracts of over USD 5 billion during last 2 years, Indian nationals working in private sectors may continue to rise in the coming 2-3 years.
• There are about 27,000 Indians working for the Kuwaiti Government in various jobs like doctors, nurses, para-medics, engineers in National Oil Companies and a few scientists. The demand for Indian nurses remains strong in Kuwait.
• The Kuwaiti authorities have deported 1,700 illegal Indians staying in the country during the from 1 December 2015 to 21 February 2016.


Main points made during Hon’ble PM’s address at the World Sufi Forum, New Delhi, on 17 March  2016

1.         Ninety nine names of Allah

            These are 99 names of Allah, none stand for force and violence. Allah is Rahman and Raheem. Sufism is the voice of peace, co-existence, compassion, equality & a call to universal brotherhood. As India became a principal center of Islamic civilization, our nation also emerged as one of the most vibrant hubs of Sufism. Sufism became the face of Islam in India, even as it remained deeply rooted in the Holy Quran and Hadis.

2.         Muslim Leaders of India

            The tallest of our leaders, such as Maulana Azad, and important spiritual leaders, such as Maulana Hussain Madani and millions of ordinary citizens rejected the idea of division on the basis of religion. Now, India is moving forward as a united nation on the strength of its diversity. All our people, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Buddhists, the micro-minority of Parsis, believers, non-believers, are an integral part of India.  Today Sufism from India has spread across the world.

3.         Terrorism and Development

            Every year, over 100 billion dollars are spent on securing the world from terrorism. This money should have been spent on building lives of the poor. Terrorism uses diverse motivations and causes, none of which can be justified. Terrorists distort a religion whose cause they profess to support. The fight against terrorism is not a confrontation against any religion. It is a struggle between the values of humanism and the forces of humanity. Diversity is a basic reality of Nature and the source of richness of a society. It should not be a cause of misunderstanding.



            At the initiative of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, a scheme for Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals has been launched by the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturuopathy, Unani, Sidha & Homeopathy) to spread the traditional knowledge of India by assuring quality of Yoga Practices across the world. The Ministry of AYUSH in the wake of declaration of International Day of Yoga has identified Quality Council of India (QCI) to develop a scheme for Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals since QCI has expertise in developing such quality based on the best international practices.

2.        The objective of the scheme is to certify Yoga Professionals which will evaluate four levels of competence ie: Yoga Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Yoga Master and Yoga Acharya. The scheme is being launched by the Ministry of AYUSH and implemented by Quality Council of India. Yoga stands for harmony & peace. The aim of the scheme is to specify the competence requirements in terms of knowledge and skills to be complied by the Yoga professionals in the form of Competence Standard. It also aims to define the process of evaluation and certification in laying down requirements for competence and operation of assessment of bodies through Accredition after creating awareness about the launch of the scheme by the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India.   

3.        For further details about the scheme please log on to yogacertification.qci.org.in     


Registration As OCI Cardholder

Registration As OCI Cardholder

The Government of India has decided to extend the date for submission of the application for registration as Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholder by the erstwhile Persons of Indian Origin cardholders  till 30 June 2016.

IFL  - Kuwait 2025