ACCA orientation - ICSK Senior

The Indian Community School Senior, structured an ACCA orientation for its students on 27th April, 2019, Saturday.


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The ACCA widely known as the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, is the global professional accounting body offering the Chartered Certified Accountant qualification.

In order to edify the students about ACCA, this orientation was hammered out by the Principal of ICSK Senior, Dr. V. Binumon. The programme was initiated with a silent prayer. The gathering was acquainted to the programme by the Deputy Vice Principal, Mrs. Susan Rajesh.IFL 

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The Principal of ICSK Senior, Dr. V Binumon greeted and welcomed the gathering and propelled them with a power point presentation. The prominence of the ACCA course was informed to the students and the benefits of the course too. It has different levels like…

i] Introductory level
ii] intermediate level
iii] diploma
iv] advanced diploma etc….

The ACCA degrees are available from Oxford University and University of London. In order to further educate the students about ACCA, Mrs. Dua a student of ACCA dispensed a presentation about ACCA.

A question and answer session was generated for the audience by the ACCA mentor and guide, Mr. Akhil in order to clarify their doubts and concerns. The orientation was witnessed by the Chairman [Board of Trustees] ICSk, Mr. Shaik Abdul Rahiman, Treasurer [Board of Trustees] ICSK, Mr. S.N Raju, Principal of ICSK Senior, Dr. V. Binumon, Vice Principal Dr. Sam T. Kuruvilla and Deputy Vice Principal, Mrs. Susan Rajesh.

A quite informative session………………………….


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