Family Functions

Frontline Group celebrated Onam

Sajitha Anil welcomed the gathering and Mohamed Sabu proposed a vote of thanks. Sathar Kunnil was the master of ceremonies.Various games conducted by Babuji Bathery enliven the event. Singers including Mustafa Kari, Afsal Ali, Muhamed Sabu, Shreeshant and team set the rhythm for the celebrations. Ayyoob, Imran and their team co-ordinate the Ona Sadya, the feast of taste, which was enjoyed by all.Ona Pookalam designed by Shreeshanth, Jabir & team, that heralds artistic creativity and uniqueness of theme was the star attraction of the celebrations. Kuwait’s leading logistic firm Frontline Group celebrated Onam festival with staff and families. Regional Manager-Sales & Marketing Mr B. P. Nassar inaugurated the program and Chandra Mouli delivered Onam message.