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Dps Eternal Moments

Dps Eternal Moments


“Eternal Moments” , an Inter School Photography Competition, the brainchild of Ms.Anju Dheman, the principal of FAIPS-DPS, the first of its kind in Kuwait  was organized  on 30th of April, 2016. It included various categories such as, Wildlife, Nature & Landscape, People’s Portrait, Expressions of Animals and Humans and Street for both the junior as well as the senior level students. Eight schools including the host school participated with 104 total photographs registered and exhibited by 43 participants. The event also included a Live Shoot under the theme “Frame in Frame” capturing people, flowers and moments of beauty and happiness in the FAIPS campus. Rumelle D’souza of Indian English Academy School and Dwija Desai of FAIPS-DPS bagged the first prize for the Best of the best photograph in the senior group and the junior group respectively. In the Live Shoot Pranav Soin of FAIPS-DPS and Abhijith Satheesh of Indian Community School Kuwait received the Best Spot Photographers award in the senior group and the junior group respectively. The photographs were evaluated and awarded by an esteemed panel of judges from FQ8 team which included experts such as Mr.Bishara Mustafa, Mr. Shafimon Ummer, Mr. Kiran Mithra, Mr. Riyas Moodady and Mr. Haris Ideed. FQ8 is an experienced and motivated group well known for organizing events relating to popularizing photography as an art and skill in Kuwait. The event was a great success and will surely inspire many talented students in the days to come.
