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ICSK Junior Conducts Co-Curricular Activities For January 2016



On Monday 11th January 2016 face mask making was a class activity planned for students of class I of the Indian Community School Kuwait Junior.  Little children were enamored making masks. An innovative kinderart faces, lifted and transported children to new places. Masks of all colors and kinds were displayed in their respective class room.

For class II and III, children enjoyed drawing and coloring cartoon characters. This activity was planned for little ones as they love to draw cartoon figures. It was quick, easy and lots of fun for participants.

On Tuesday 12th January 2016, for class IV and V India’s glorious freedom struggle collage making was a creative activity executed for students. Brilliant ideas of children was breathtaking in the form of collage on Indian flag, respect for freedom fighters, fingers in the colors of flag, making chakra to understand the meaning behind India’s flag and a host of other items related to India’s freedom from British Raj.

For class VI, India’s Freedom struggle was given as a topic for elocution on Republic Day. Speeches by students on India’s freedom fighters who toiled hard to win political freedom were very impressive.

On Wednesday 13th January 2016, Kindergarten section had a draw and color activity. Participation of little children with enthusiasm was overwhelming. It was indeed a day of fun and pleasure for the Pre-Primary section.

All these activities are well planned in the beginning of the school year and conducted as per day and date schedule without any lapse.
